About Us

Symerio is a small company that provides services in data science and software engineering.

Roman Yurchak
Roman Yurchak, PhD
Data Scientist & Founder

During his PhD at Ecole Polytechnique, Roman was working on predictive modeling of laboratory astrophysics experiments using simulation codes on supercomputers.

At present, he designs machine learning solutions using predictive modeling, semi-supervised learning and Natural Language Processing (NLP). Roman is an active open-source contributor and a scikit-learn core developer.

Technological stack

We mostly rely on tools provided by the Python and PyData ecosystem to build solutions for our clients.

These include, but are not limited to, pandas for data analysis, matplotlib for visualization, dask for distributed computing, scikit-learn for machine learning and pytorch for deep learning.

Of course, each project has unique technical challenges and may require a different approach.